As Isadora Duncan, American dancer and choreographer, who was a pioneer of modern contemporary dance, said, “If you could explain something in words, there would be no point in dancing it. A dancer’s body is simply the luminous manifestation of his soul. Art gives form and harmony to what in life is chaos and discord.”
This presentation includes photographs taken by Kirill Simakov in 2018 of two magnificent productions, “Nezhinsky” directed by Marco Gecke and “Petrushka” by choreographer Vladimir Varnava .
Characteristic of these original productions are dark backgrounds, dim lighting, fog, improvisation… Also, the photographer had to improvise in this darkness to capture the movements of the dancers in his photographs. That’s how the “blur” effect came OUT.
Looking at the photoIMAGES, you’re struck by the philosophical depth of ballet and it’s impossible not to fall in love with the art of dance and every movement!